Mechanicus Run "Game"


Below is a C++ program I wrote for Windows as a proof of concept. I wanted to see if I could render text and images in C++ and be able to control them. Calling the program a game is a large over-statment. All it actually does is display a few images on the screen, one of which moves along with the mouse, though I like to pretend the little guy that follows the mouse is fixing the robot arm. This is the image that is static:

I chose a FANUC industrial robot because I was still earning my Associates of Applied Sciences in Robotic Technologies and I was having fun learning about them.
This is the picture of the little guy that I have following the cursor:

And this is the main code:

//Mechanicus Run "Game"
//Making the name of the game.
std::string nameOfTheGame = "Mechanicus Run!";

using namespace sf; //THIS IS NEEDED!

//MechanicusBoi.png is 300 X 533.

int main()

std::cout << "\n\n\n\n][-----LogOfPotentialErrors-----][\n\n\n\n";
bool broken = false;
//Grabbing a textures
Texture mechanicusBoyTexture;
Texture robotToFixTexture;
//Load it from a file
if (!mechanicusBoyTexture.loadFromFile("MechanicusBoi.png"))

std::cout << "\nOh dang! Oh crap! You need to lauch with the launcher or let N8 know if your tried that and still the texture for the \nMechanicus Adept doesn't work!\n";
broken = true;
std::cout << "\nThe Machine Spirits favor the Adept.\n";


if (!robotToFixTexture.loadFromFile("robotToFix.png"))

std::cout << "\nOh dang! Oh crap! You need to lauch with the launcher or let N8 know if your tried that and still the texture for the \nrobot sprite doesn't work!\n";
broken = true;
std::cout << "\nThe Machine Spirits favor the robot that needs repair.\n";


//Grabbing a font
Font font;
// Load it from a file
if (!font.loadFromFile("chintzy.ttf"))

std::cout << "\nOh dang! Oh crap! You need to lauch with the launcher or let N8 know if your tried that and still the font doesn't work!\n";
broken = true;
std::cout << "\nThe Machine Spirits favor this most sacred font.\n";

if (broken)
std::cout << "\nThe Machine Spirits are most displeased! They implore you to only start the program with \n TheOmnissiah'sHolyLauncher.bat.";
std::cout << "\nIf you have already made sure of this you need to contact N8. He can rectify your problems.\n\n\n";


Sprite techBoi;

Sprite robotThatNeedsFixing;
robotThatNeedsFixing.setOrigin(-1350, -500);

//Make Window
RenderWindow window(VideoMode(1920, 1080), nameOfTheGame, Style::None);


//Make Text
Text message("Press Backspace to get out of here... \n\nFix the machine...\n\nPraise the Omnissiah...", font);
message.setPosition(0, 0);


while (window.isOpen())
Event event;
Keyboard backspaceOnOuttaThere;
while (window.pollEvent(event))
if (event.type == Event::Closed || backspaceOnOuttaThere.isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Key::Backspace))
//Waits a second...

//MechanicusBoi.png is 300 X 533.


int mouseX = sf::Mouse::getPosition(window).x;
int mouseY = sf::Mouse::getPosition(window).y;

techBoi.setOrigin(-mouseX, -mouseY);


return 0;

I actually had a pretty difficult time getting Microsoft Visual Studio to get all the paths neccesary to import all the SFML/Graphics type stuff. It was quite frustrating, it's probably why I haven't played too much with C++ as of late, I believe it was one of the last programs that I made before I gave Python a chance. As of 2021-04-22, I do plan to return to C++ (and Java too) someday.